About NW Elite PEMF

Jen’s love affair with horses began at the age of five and has stuck with her throughout her life. She started taking riding lessons at a local barn over twenty years ago and from then on, she was hooked. She started spending extra hours as a working student and groom, then found herself riding dressage and eventually she started showing Quarter Horses. As Jen’s years in the horse world went by, she developed a keen interest in equine body work, rehabilitation and sports medicine, particularly after spending some time at Pegasus Training and Equine Rehabilitation Center in Redmond, WA.

Fast forward a few years and after seeing an advertisement for PEMF, Jen decided to learn more about this interesting new therapy. She loved seeing that the horse in the ad was able to relax so much that they actually fell asleep during their session. From that point on, she began to read up on the technology and effectiveness behind PEMF therapy. After much research and experiencing it for herself on her own back, Jen became a believer in PEMF and how it can help not only horses, but people and other animals as well.

In October of 2017, Jen became a Pulse PEMF practitioner and went through their training program. Following that, she opened her doors primarily to the PNW equestrian community, but also to several dogs, cats and people too. As her business has grown, Jen has been able to make a huge difference in the lives, health and happiness of clients, which is what she is so passionate about. 

Learn more about Jen and what her customers are saying about both her and PEMF on the testimonials page!